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The Full Story

About Us

Teagan Reddy’s business journey started in 2016 when out of the blue she became allergic to sulphates,  sodium benzoates and other ingredients in body care products and processed food. She started researching and making her own chemical-free products with natural ingredients. She also studied and has qualifications in Natural Medicine, Advance Herbalism and a Certificate in Nutrition. With the knowledge she gained, she formulated all natural products that have helped her extremely sensitive skin and allergies. 


At Natural Charm we provide access to information,  services and products that are made from natural, traditional plant ingredients that promote a holistic lifestyle to enhance quality of life. We do this with respect for life, good environmental stewardship, and gratitude for the abundance of natural herbs and plants provided by our Creator for this very purpose. As such we embrace the following;  

  • Quality grown herbs and products 

  • High quality natural raw material 

  • Provide holistic therapy through the use of natural medicinal plants 

  • Building like-minded community

  • Awareness of plant medicine and self-healing

  • Providing confidential and professional care to the community/ clients

  • Providing a holistic natural lifestyle that encourages stewardship over resources .

  • Providing alternate solutions to health problems rather than conventional clinical methods

  • Conserving traditional medicinal knowledge of plants.


At Natural Charm, we believe that humanity should have access to effective ways to heal and pursue a holistic healthy lifestyle which include using natural and traditional methods of therapy as alternatives to conventional pharmaceutical solutions.  


We believe that no human has to be sick or diseased, as long as we have nature to heal us, mentally, physically and spiritually. Healing is found in nature and is the purest form of being and we embrace it and share it with the world. 


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