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  • Shana

The Ugly Truth About Skincare: Harmful Ingredients You Should Avoid

We all have our unique skincare routines. Some of us are trying to find the perfect combination of products, while others have trusted formulations that have worked for decades, and a lucky few have found success with just water and Dove soap. If you're still looking for you’re perfect fit or want to go the natural route, keep reading.

Harmful Ingredients

Okay, so what are these harmful ingredients hidden in our food & skincare products? And, more importantly, how do we spot them?

First up on the list is Parabens.

What are Parabens?

They're synthetic preservatives used in skincare, cosmetics, etc., to extend the shelf life and prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. Parabens are deemed safe in small amounts through regulations. However, they have the potential to disrupt hormones as they can mimic estrogen. In some studies, they've been linked to breast cancer. But, like many things, the risk remains inconclusive. Check out [this blog post]( studies have shown that,result%2C increase breast cell growth.) on the official breast cancer prevention partner's website.

What are Parabens listed as on products?

Look for ingredients like "methylparaben," "ethylparaben," "propylparaben," or "butylparaben" on the product label.

Next up, Sulfates.

What are Sulfates?

In short, they're synthetic compounds. You know that lather you get in some products? Yup, sulfates are how it's done. They help remove dirt, debris, and oil from the skin and scalp; they're even in toothpaste! Now, I know how amazingly clean it feels after you rinse off the lather, but it could be doing more harm than good, especially if you're prone to dry and sensitive skin, as it can cause irritation and further dry out your skin! Long-term use can even strip your skin of its natural oils and may even be the cause of eczema and psoriasis.

What are Sulfates listed as on products?

Look for ingredients like "sodium lauryl sulfate" (SLS) or "sodium laureth sulfate" (SLES).

Now, it's Phthalates time.

What are Phthalates?

It's a batch of synthetic chemicals used in plastics, from toys to your skincare container; there's a big chance they've been used. Basically, they help the plastic become more flexible, therefore aiding in longevity. Some studies suggest there may be a link between reproductive and development problems. Just that thought alone makes me want to dispose of it in my house.

What are Phthalates listed as on products?

Look for ingredients listed as "phthalate," "DBP" (dibutyl phthalate), "DEP" (diethyl phthalate), or "fragrance" (though this is not specific to phthalates).

It's Fragrance time, or shall we say Parfum?

What is fragrance, really?

Think of scents and odours. Think of smell as one of your five senses. Think aroma. But, you also need to think of skin irritation, allergic reactions, and even making your skin more prone to sunburn! Let's not even get into the toxicity of chemical fragrance or the fact that it can worsen conditions for people with respiratory issues and create indoor air pollution and more. Just go with something natural; let's leave it at that.

What is fragrance listed as on products?

Look for ingredients listed simply as "fragrance," "parfum," or specific names of fragrant components like "limonene" or "linalool."

Damn... there's more? Yup, Toxic Heavy Metals!

What are toxic heavy metals?

Well, they're just that, heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and the well-known, scary-to-think-of, arsenic. Now you're probably thinking, is this actually allowed? Well, no, it's not. You'll only find them in contaminated products where manufacturing practices aren't the best. Now again, you're probably thinking, a little bit won't do much harm, right? Wrong… Organ damage, cognitive impairments, and even other life-threatening conditions.

What are toxic heavy metals listed as on products?

Well, unfortunately, they're contaminants, so they won't be listed on the product. Just make sure you're buying from a trusted, reputable brand.

Almost finished, Sodium Benzoates!

What are sodium benzoates?

It's a preservative commonly used in acidic foods. It's derived from benzoic acid to slow down the growth of yeast, mould and bacteria. As always, most of these are generally considered safe in regulated amounts. But, there have been conc

erns, when combined with additives like ascorbic acid which could... (drum roll please), form benzene... a carcinogenic compound. Sigh, will they ever be completely honest with us on the labels?

What are sodium benzoates listed as on products?

Look for ingredients listed sodium benzoate or E211.

Last one, I promise, is Formaldehyde-releasing Agents.

What are Formaldehyde-releasing Agents?

Basically, they're what we call preservatives, which aim to extend the shelf life of products by slowly releasing small amounts of formaldehyde to prevent the growth of fungi, bacteria, etc. However, according to some health authorities, it's been classified as a human carcinogen, scary stuff… Check out the National Academies 2014 post on it.

What are Formaldehyde-releasing Agents listed as on products?

Look for ingredients listed as "DMDM hydantoin," "quaternion-15," "imidazolidinyl urea," or "bronopol," as these are formaldehyde-releasing agents.

Why choose a natural product?

So, all of those crazy scary things above, that's why I'd choose natural ingredients over synthetic any day. Check out the owner and founder of Natural Charm's story on her battle with her skin and why she decided to start her company.

Since we’re speaking of natural ingredients, have you considered adding a natural product to your skincare routine? Natural Charm sells an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G face serum you can start with, their Face Serum-Day.

What's the Face Serum-Day got in it?

Sweet Almond oil: Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, also packed with emollients, keeping your skin ultra moisturised. Bringing your inner glow out.

Jojoba oil: The one and only liquid gold. It resembles our skin's natural sebum, which therefore helps balance oil production. Oh, and it also soothes sensitive skin. All without clogging pores.

Rose essential oil: Ahhh, can you smell that? Such a soft and beautiful aroma. Oops I forgot, I’m talking about the skincare benefits… it possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which could help with reducing redness

Add rosehip oil and grapeseed oil and you have this all-natural skincare serum to add to your skincare routine every single morning. Fresh, fragrant and glowy skin awaits you.

Still not convinced?

Let's go more in-depth about why choosing a natural product would be more beneficial for you.

Natural ingredients are just that, natural, derived from the sacred thing that is the earth. Think plants, minerals, and sometimes animals. All of these essential ingredients contain incredibly beneficial compounds, including vitamins, antioxidants, and more.

Natural products usually have fewer synthetic chemicals. What does that mean? More simple, more clean, less chemicals; isn't that appealing to your skin?

Now yes, there are a few drawbacks to going all-natural. One specifically is that the shelf life isn't as long because of the lack of synthetic preservatives. Also, some people do have a bit of sensitivity to some natural ingredients. But, that's all trial and error, as is with any skincare product.

We end off on an extremely important note…

Please do your research. Read your product labels carefully. Keep an eye out for products labelled paraben/sulfate/phthalate-free. Steer clear of the harmful ingredients mentioned above. Do this for your health. Do this for your family. And stay safe.

Don't forget to check out the Natural Charm Shop to see even more natural skincare products to add to your routine.

Written by Shana the Writer

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